woensdag 23 mei 2007

a blog about many things....and about nothing at the same time.

Heiho there, all you who stranded on this secluded webspot.
From this day on, I hereby declare myself a blogger. Here I will spout the most futile if not discerning comments on everything and anything within my range of conscience. Quite disgraceful really. Which is not to suggest that it won't be intriguing or captivating, in case anyone thought otherwise...

But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me first to suggest the character of this dramatis persona. I am a humble student, conscientious yet occasionally fulfilled by the rapture of certain moments; seeking the interesting sides of life.

Truly, this verbiage turns most contrived, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me Floris.

Right now, I can see you thinking: Is this a case of simple incompetence or a preview of something far more sinister?
Well, my dear fellow bloggers, I go back and forth on that.

In the meantime, to make matters worse, I intend to offer you an interesting look into the seriously twisted mind of a person with simply too much to tell and no virtual audience.

I see you thinking: oh no, not another one. Surely he must think such a travesty has never occurred...
Well indeed it hasn't, my dear old friends (of whom some falsely and inexplicably believe to have spent several college years with me;), at least not from a person such as myself.

Perhaps the actual reason for this quite unnecessary blog is that I would like to tell you, among other things, about strange matters that are going on in this world, weird stuff like for instance the fact that three people die each year testing a 9V battery with their tongue... I didn't know that until I coincidentally read it somewhere. Just imagine the headlines of the local newspaper! "Death by 9v battery". Or "Duracell 9V vs. Aunt May: 1-0". I mean, go figure.
See, it's these easily forgotten nitwits that keep life surprising. They keep on wandering in my mind, and now I've found a way to share them with a public of equally distorted net geeks.

But right now, I'm really pressed for time. If you will excuse me.

I bid you good day.

1 opmerking:

Willem Vereecken zei

Ivm die 9 V batterij. Ge kunt dat idd testen op uw tong en ge voelt dat toch. Maar dat is niet levensbedreigend. Tenzij ge een wondje hebt. Want als ge 9 V in een bloedbaan krijgt (geen haarvaten, maar een kleine ader is toch voldoende) dan zet ge uw hart onder spanning en dan is het licht uit (figuurlijk dan, voor echte lampen is meer nodig).


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